Storage Sale - Tomes, Weapons, Consumables, Mods, More!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011


Post what you would like and how much you offer for each item you would like. Post IGN. If your offer is reasonable and not outbid, I will contact you in-game. Most of this is stuff I want to clear out of my storage so I'll take just about any offer into consideration!

4 Golden Eggs
Alkar's Concoction
Birthday Cupcake
Scroll of Resurrection (2)
7 Flasks of Firewater
3 Creme Brulee
Transmogrifier Tonic
2 Automatonics
2 Scrolls of Resurrection

1 Warrior Tome
1 Assassin Tome
5 Necromancer Tomes

Mods and Weapons:
Q9 Inscr. Twin Hammer
Q9 Inscr. Jeweled Daggers
Forgotten Shield (Command, +10vs Lightning)
+10 Armor vs. Fire
+15/-5 Inscription
+5e Staff Head
The Bison Cup
Cruel Axe Haft
Lightning Dagger Mod
Ebon Hammer Mod
Vampiric Hammer Haft
Forgotten Shield (Q9 Command, +10 v Lightning, +30)
Halves skill recharge of spells (10%)
Crippling Sword Mod
Half Casting Time Wand Mod (20%)
Nightmare Scythe (Q9, Inscr.)
Flamberge (Q9, Inscr.)
+5e inscription

Minis and Misc:
3 Golden Rin Relics
2 Glacial Stones
Unded Mini Cave Spider
Unded Mini Siege Turtle
Unded Fungal Wallow
Zaishen Summoning Stones (5)

pawning jock

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2007


firewater + creme brulee @ 100g per point

Diessa Chalices -> 4k each

ward of protection


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011


Updated my inventory, BUMP!

Mortal Amongst Mere Gods

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2007

Riding the spiral


Offer retracted, found what I need elsewhere.