Giya sorry for the screen in french x)
Squelette : skeleton
Fleau : Plague
Sommet de pierre : Stone summit
Adamantine : adamantium
milicien : militia
Thanks : p
Pc On Canthan and pvp Shield
The Back
Our Blood
yeah good that you added the translations
skeleton is about 40k
adamantium about 15-20ecto
stone summit: 80-100k~
militia is like the stone summit around 80k i think
and plagueborn shield is a nice one but i have no idea of value, it might sell for up to 40ecto~ (wait for more info on that one)
edit: if animal is right then i'm sorry, thought those shields would be worth more (even with the 2hp off)
skeleton is about 40k
adamantium about 15-20ecto
stone summit: 80-100k~
militia is like the stone summit around 80k i think
and plagueborn shield is a nice one but i have no idea of value, it might sell for up to 40ecto~ (wait for more info on that one)
edit: if animal is right then i'm sorry, thought those shields would be worth more (even with the 2hp off)
animal fighter
plagueborn 100k tops. bought a similar one for 75k not long ago