01 Jul 2011 at 23:08 - 1
---- CLOSED ----
I'm now starting a new thread.
Here is the list of sold items :
Those are the items that were sold during the life of that thread.
This does not include total amounts of items which I sold several copies of (minis, candies, silver zcoins, unids, some greens & mods, other misc. items ...)
ScreenshotNameRequiresInscribablePrice Any Oppressor Weapon q9Yes60k Sunqua Blade 9Yes8k Eternal Bow 12Yes10k Wyvern Blade 10Yes15k Elemental Sword 9Yes10k Stygian Reaver 13Yes7.5k Emblazoned Defender9 strengthYes60k Shadow Axe 9Yes15k Guardian of the Hunt9 strengthYes20k Icy Dragon Sword 9Yes25k Zodiac Axe 9No60k Onyx Staff 9 energy storageYes25k Onyx Staff 9 soul reapingYes25k Onyx Staff 9 spawning powerYes15k Briarwood Scythe 9Yes12k Ceremonial Daggers 9Yes7k Zodiac Longbow 11No10k Zodiac Staff 10 spawning powerNo20k Enameled Shield 9 tacticsYes45k Wolf Hammer 9Yes15k Demon Tongue Scythe13Yes10k Fanged Sword 11Yes5k Draconic Aegis 11 strengthYes80k Guardian of the Hunt12 strengthYes15k Hand Axe 9Yes8k Gloom Shield 9 strengthYes15k Draconic Aegis 10 tacticsYes65k Celestial Daggers 9Yes20k Onyx Staff 10 energy storageYes15k Zodiac Scepter 9 dominationNo15k Tribal Axe 9Yes20k Bramble Blade 9Yes10k Emblazoned Defender10 tacticsYes10k Aureate Aegis 10 motivationYes8k Guardian of the Hunt 9 strenghYes15k Kappa Shield 9 strengthYes10k Ghostly Staff 12 communingNo10k Exalted Aegis 9 commandYes20k Frog Scepter 9 spawing powerYes24e/32 Zkeys Celestial Compass 11 channelingYes100k Aureate Aegis 9 commandYes30k Sephis Sword 10Yes3k Gardian of the Hunt 13 strengthYes5k Zodiac Staff 13 smitingNo5k Emblazoned Defender 10 strengthYes5k Icy Dragon Sword 9Yes15k Zodiac Staff 11 fireNo8k Fellblade 9Yes18k Kappa Shield 9 tacticsYes8k Crystal Flame Staff 9 divine favorYes20k Suntouched Shield 9 commandYes5k Magmas Shield 13 strengthYes20k Zodiac Longbow 12No15k Pyroclastic Axe 10Yes20k Zodiac Axe 11No12k Platinium Wand 9 soul reapingYes13k Spinal Staff 9 boodYes10k Elemental Sword 9Yes12k Flamberge 10No5k Draconic Aegis 13 motivationYes35k Archaic Axe 9Yes3k Zodiac Staff 9 divine favorNo15k Zodiac Daggers 9No25k Zodiac Longbow 10No15k Aureate Aegis 10 commandYes15k Fiery Dragon Sword 9Yes15k Draconic Spear 10Yes10k Singing Blade 9Yes50k Elemental Sword 9Yes8k Fiery Embersteel Blade10Yes12k Gothic Sword 9Yes10k Zodiac Axe 9Yes30k Celestial Shield 12 strengthYes8k Storm Bow 10Yes15k Draconic Scythe 12Yes10k Storm Bow 11Yes12k Pyroclastic Axe 9Yes35k Draconic Aegis 9 tacticsYes100k Storm Bow 11No10k Pyroclastic Axe 9Yes40k Celestial Compass 9 cursesYes25e or 30 zkeys Fanged Sword 9Yes10k Celestial Shield 9 strengthYes35k
Warrior Malinon's Shield4k Mallyx's Defense3k Murakai's Blade2k Murakai's Blade2k Totem Axe4k Arrahhsh's Aegis3k Murakai's Maul500g Thorgall's Stone Smasher1k Mallyx's Maul2k Thorgall's Shield1k Murakai's Blade2k Murakai's Reaver2k Totem Axe4k Victo's Blade3k Aegis or Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh6k Aegis or Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh6k Droknar's Axe4k Kanaxai's Mallet2k
Elementalist Flint's Fleshcleaver4k Lian's Lantern2 Antiquated Focus1k Droknar's Air Staff6k Joff's Focus4k Everlasting Ghostly Staff8k The Earthurner1k Ilsundur's Focus500g Everlasting Shadow Staff5k Everlasting Shadow Staff5k Bizzr's Fury1k Hajok's Prism2k Prismatic Rod1k Harmony2.5k Antiquated Staff3k
Ranger Ryver's Shortbow1.5k Chiggen's Shortbow500g Royen's Hornbow3k Forgerunner3k Boulderbeard's Shortbow2k Mallyx's Recurve Bow1k Zelnehlun's Longbow1k Rotwing Recurve Bow1k Forgotten Recurve Bow3k Chkkr's Flatbow500g Mallyx's Longbow2k Boulderbeard's Shortbow2k Boulderbeard's Shortbow2k Guidance40k
Mesmer Stygian Wand500g Illyana's Staff3k Droknar's Inspiration Scepter5k Bogroot Rod1k Chichor's Conundrum4k Garbok's Chalice500g Bogroot Rod1k Rose Focus6k Forgotten Fan1k Deeproot's Sorrow2k
Monk The Scar Eater5k Scourgewind's Branch8k Deldrimor Healing Staff8k Kepkhet's Refuge6k Sadi's Benediction10k Wayward Wand1k Scourgewind's Branch8k Wayward Wand1k Hukhrah's Staff1k Zinjuu's Sanctuary300g The Soulstone5k Stormray4k
Necromandcer Deldrimor Death Staff6k Wayward Wand3.5k Fendi's Staff5k Droknar's Soul Reaping Staff6k Zoldark's Rod1.5k Scepter of the Keeper3k Blood Knife2k Zoldark's Rod1k Focus of the Master1k Mallyx's Spite1k Morgriff's Staff5k The Stonereaper3k
Ritualist Mallyx's Making2k Stygian Scepter500g Bogroot Focus4k Ritualistic Ghostly Staff8k Churahm's Wand4k Ritualistic Shadow Staff5k Tin Dao's Staff1k
Assassin Jarimiya's Daggers1k Tahkayun's Pincers200g Stygian Daggers1k Faveo's Daggers1k Droknar's Knives5k Stygian Daggers1k Stygian Daggers1k Claws of the Broodmother500g Arius' Sai3.5k Claws of the Kinslayer12k Stygian Daggers1k Pywatt's Talons5k
Dervish Stygian Scythe4k Stygian Scythe4k Vahlen's Vow5k Scythe of Corruption6k Temperance100k Arachni's Scythe10k
Paragon Stygian Spear3k Stygian Defender4k Spirit of the Forgotten4k Spirit of the Forgotten4k Luluh's Spear3k Luluh's Spear3k Luluh's Spear3k The Bloodspear500g The Bloodspear500g Briahn's Guidance5k Hidesplitter's Spear8k Stygian Spear3k
Multiple The Bison Cup500g Kerrsh's Staff7k Kerrsh's Staff7k Kerrsh's Staff7k The Bison Cup500g The Bison Cup500g The Bison Cup500g
QuantityPrice each | Insightful Staff Head+5 energy01k
"I have the power!"+5 energy (martial weapons)01k
Bow Grip of EnchantingEnchantments last 20% longer01k
"Be Just and Fear Not!"+10 armor while hexed (focus)08k
"Hale and Hearty"+5 energy while health above 50% (staff/wand)0500g
Sword Pommel of Fortitude+30hp02.5k
Sundering Sword Hilt20% chance of 20% armor penetration03.5k
Zealous Axe Haft1 energy gain/hit, -1 energy regen0500g
Staff Wrapping of EnchantingEnchantmens last 20% longer02.5k
"Luck of the Draw"19% chance of -5 physical damage (shield/focus)01k
Axe Grip of EnchantingEnchantments last 20% longer01k
Zealous Bowstring1 energy gain/hit, -1 energy regen1500g
"Strength and Honor"15^508500g
"The Riddle of Steel"+10 vs Slashing11k
"Leaf on the Wind"+10 vs Cold11k
"Not the Face!"+10 vs Blunt1500g
"Riders on the Storm"+10 vs Lightning12k
Shield Handle of Fortitude+30 hp13k
Sword Pommel of Enchanting+20% enchants11.5k
Vampiric Hammer Haft5/-1 vamp11k
Focus Core of Devotion+45 hp/enchant21k
Adept Staff HeadHCT attribute 20%22k
Zealous Scythe Snathe1/-1 zeal27k
Dagger Handle of EnchantingEnchant +20%11k
"Live for Today"Energy +15/-111k
Bow Grip of EnchantingEnchant +20%11k
Hale Staff Head+30 hp11.5k
Zealous Spearhead1/-1 zeal24k
Furious SpearheadDouble adre 10%18k
Swift Staff HeadHCT all 10%3500g
NameDed/UndedColorQuantityPrice each
Miniature Mad King ThornUndedicatedGreen090k
Miniature Black Beast of AaaaarrrrrrggghhhUndedicatedGold050k
Miniature White RabbitUndedicatedGold040k
Miniature Burning TitanUndedicatedPurple010k
Miniature KirinUndedicatedPurple116k
Miniature Charr ShamanUndedicatedPurple116k
Miniature Flowstone ElementalUndedicatedPurple135k
Miniature JoraUndedicatedPurple135k
Miniature ElfUndedicatedPurple125k
Miniature NianUndedicatedPurple135k
Miniature Siege TurtleUndedicatedWhite02k
Miniature Jungle TrollUndedicatedWhite02k
Miniature Harpy RangerUndedicatedWhite06k
Miniature Roaring EtherUndedicatedWhite09k
Miniature JuggernautUndedicatedWhite05k
Miniature HydraUndedicatedWhite02k
Miniature Mandragor ImpUndedicatedWhite06k
Miniature Thorn WolfUndedicatedWhite05k
Miniature Whiptail DevourerUndedicatedWhite02k
Miniature Terrorweb DryderUndedicatedWhite020k
Miniature Forest MinotaurUndedicatedWhite011k
Miniature AatxeUndedicatedWhite05k
Miniature Jade ArmorUndedicatedWhite02k
Miniature Fire ImpUndedicatedWhite05k
Miniature Temple GuardianUndedicatedWhite02k
Miniature Cloudtouched SimianUndedicatedWhite011k
Miniature Fungal WallowUndedicatedWhite12k
Miniature Cave SpiderUndedicatedWhite110k
Miniature KveldulfUndedicatedWhite118k
Miniature Roaring EtherUndedicatedWhite115k
Miniature AbominationUndedicatedWhite115k
Miniature AatxeUndedicatedWhite15k
Miniature MursaatUndedicatedWhite113k
Miniature Harpy RangerUndedicatedWhite16k
Miniature Whiptail DevourerUndedicatedWhite13k
Miniature AbyssalUndedicatedWhite116k
Miniature KveldulfUndedicatedWhite118k
Miniature Whiptail DevourerUndedicatedWhite13k
Miniature Siege TurtleUndedicatedWhite13k
Miniature Desert GriffonUndedicatedWhite222k
Miniature Dredge BruteUndedicatedWhite118k
Miniature KveldulfUndedicatedWhite120k
Miniature Summit Giant HerderUndedicatedWhite135k
Miniature Scourge MantaUndedicatedWhite135k
Miniature Terrorweb DryderUndedicatedWhite118k
Miniature Desert GriffonUndedicatedWhite122k
Miniature Fungal WallowUndedicatedWhite12k
Miniature SeerDedicatedWhite03k
Miniature Cobalt ScabaraDedicatedWhite03k
Miniature Siege DevourerDedicatedWhite02k
Miniature Ophil NahualliDedicatedWhite04k
NameQuantityPrice each
Trade Contract0500g
Mysterious Armor Piece06k
Ancient Armor Remnant06k
Golden Egg0Stack=100k
Inscribed Secret0200g
Birthday Cupcake0500g or 20zkeys/stack
Encrypted Charr Battle Plans (nguelly...)0500g
Encrypted Charr Battle Plans (amfsskjjd...)0500g
Encrypted Charr Battle Plans (gwahn...)1500g
Icy Elemental Polymock Piece02k
Mirage Iboga Polymock Piece05k
Gaki Polymock Piece010k
Blue Rock Candy01.2k
Red Rock Candy02.5k
Powerstone of Courage23.5k
Consset (grail+essence+armor)28k
Trade Contract0500g
Hammer of Kathandrax13k
Battle Commendation16100g
Monastery Credit4100g
Kournan Coin4200g
Grail of Might 11.5k
Zehtuka's Jug1300g
Moss Spider Egg215k
Everlasting Gelatinous Tonic1
Everlasting Abominable Tonic122e or 27 zkeys
Small Equipment Pack22k
02 Jul 2011 at 00:05 - 2
Hi, I am not exactly sure what you are selling, but it looks like you have an unded mad king thorn. If so, I am bidding 80k. I am not available in game right now so you may pm on forums if my bid is accepted.
02 Jul 2011 at 00:58 - 3
U have 6 sapphires? (7.5k at trader) So how about 40k for them?
IGN: Djole Necromancer
02 Jul 2011 at 13:44 - 4
I will buy all your diamonds. IGN Taken at the Flood
02 Jul 2011 at 14:19 - 5
Hello - I'd like to make the following offers:
"Be Just and Fear Not" script 8k
q9 Icy Shadow Axe 15k
q9 Elemental Sword 10k
q9 Zodiac Axe 25k
q9 strength Guardian of the Hunt 20k
q9 strength Emblazoned Defender 20k
If you accept any or all of these offers, my IGN is Godrik Gandolfi, time-zone GMT and online most days. I'm sometimes AFK so if no immediate reply don't worry I'm not ignoring you :-)
02 Jul 2011 at 14:46 - 6
14e for Golden Egg Stack!
Hit me in-game: Kettu R
02 Jul 2011 at 14:47 - 7
Unded mini whiptail devourer - 2K.
I/G Char: Lucas Thomas
02 Jul 2011 at 14:56 - 8
Hi, I'll take:
Joff's Focus - 4k
1 Bogroot Rod - 1k
Edit: thanks for the fast and friendly trade!
02 Jul 2011 at 14:58 - 9
draconic aegis q11-10k
stack of bones
the mordiego
02 Jul 2011 at 16:26 - 10
monk: healing Wayward Wand, Scourgewind's Branch for me
IGN: Lata Monk
02 Jul 2011 at 16:40 - 11
1 sword pommel of fortitude - 2.5k
IGN - Elith Khan
02 Jul 2011 at 17:03 - 12
b/o all:
Kerrsh's Staff
Spirit of the Forgotten
Droknar's Soul Reaping Staff
Deldrimor Death Staff
Fendi's Staff
Illyana's Staff
Deldrimor's Healing Staff
Kepkhet's Refuge
the Scar Eater
Sadi's Benediction
Scourgewind's Branch
Everlasting Ghostly Staff
Bow Grip of Enchanting
ing sittin in da park
02 Jul 2011 at 17:44 - 13
Trade completed,tyvm. Polite & Friendly Seller ^_^
IGN Ishana Damari
02 Jul 2011 at 18:01 - 14
I'll buy all your granite, diamonds, and onyx. Thank you.
ign Jasmine Vale
02 Jul 2011 at 19:36 - 15
Mysterious Armor Piece 3 18k
Ancient Armor Remnant 1 6k
Lockpick 40 48k
Trade Contact 1 500g
72.5k total
IGN: Trueblade Fabbles
02 Jul 2011 at 21:07 - 16
all your rubies, 25k for them
ign : Angelique Dumas
02 Jul 2011 at 21:28 - 17
Hello, had bid 80k on Mad King Thorn but since you have updated list realized you also have Terrorweb Dryder.
Increasing my bid to 100k for Unded Mad King Thorn + Unded Terrorweb Dryder.
PM on forums please, AFK in game.
Thanks for fast and easy trade!
02 Jul 2011 at 21:50 - 18
2 bison cups
1 stygian dagger
1 stygian scepter (spawning) together should be 2.5k
ign Falkner Knight
02 Jul 2011 at 22:43 - 19
WTB Obsidian Shard 41 - 16e
ign: shirah Honami
02 Jul 2011 at 23:56 - 20
Zoldark's Rod 1.5k
IGN Dirty Kid
EDIT: note to self / completed transaction
02 Jul 2011 at 23:57 - 21
7k on Gloom Shield
IGN: Death Pardon
03 Jul 2011 at 05:53 - 22
I'll take 1 sword pommel of fortitude and 1 "i have the power" thanks.
IGN: Any Random Name
03 Jul 2011 at 09:01 - 23
Wyvern blade q9 - 15k
Stygian reaver q13- 7.5k
Im Overrated
03 Jul 2011 at 09:26 - 24
I'll buy the Icy Dragon Sword for 25k.
IGN: Schmerdro Ravissen
03 Jul 2011 at 14:45 - 25
I'll take the Bogroot Focus for 4k
IGN: Rick Azz
03 Jul 2011 at 16:48 - 26
Zodiac Staff 10 spawning power 5k on it
03 Jul 2011 at 17:56 - 27
Hey, would like to buy
Miniature Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh
Miniature White Rabbit
and nearly all white minis
message me: vital vitality
03 Jul 2011 at 23:04 - 28
Elite Warrior Tome - 5k
Elite Monk Tome - 5.5k
Elite Mesmer Tome x3 - 6k each
Ancient Armor Remnant x2 - 6k
Total - 40.5k
Edit: Thanks for fast trade
04 Jul 2011 at 14:52 - 29
I'll buy Stygian Defender--4k
IGN: Kalmia Latfolia
04 Jul 2011 at 15:46 - 30
30k that draconic aegis. overbidding myself ^^
04 Jul 2011 at 15:52 - 31
Bogroot Focus 4k if still available 5k if I need to outbid that person :x IGN Random Generator
EDIT: FAST and Quick! Thanks!
04 Jul 2011 at 18:42 - 32
Stygian Scythe 4k
05 Jul 2011 at 22:26 - 33
Onyx Staff 9 energy storage
Onyx Staff 9 soul reaping
10k ea - IGN: Protected By Elohim
EDIT: B/o on both.
06 Jul 2011 at 00:34 - 34
retract bought all ig
ign Falkner Knight
06 Jul 2011 at 11:24 - 35
2012-01-05 edit
I was using this old bump as an archive for the sold items. Since I'm now closing the thread, archive is on main post, and I don't need this message anymore.
06 Jul 2011 at 20:36 - 36
I'll take the scepter of the keeper please
IGN: Echo of Thousands
06 Jul 2011 at 21:25 - 37
jungle troll
ign: do weng
edit: thanks for the trade
06 Jul 2011 at 23:16 - 38
ill take the 42 Jadeite Shards please
IGN: X Celestin X
07 Jul 2011 at 19:22 - 39
WTB Briarwood Scythe
IGN: My First Backliner
You name the price
07 Jul 2011 at 21:16 - 40
Hello, I would like to purchase the following.
Mallyx's Defense: 3k
Murakai's Blade: 2k
Vahlen's Vow: 5k
Spirit of the Forgotten: 4k
Stygian Spear: 3k
Total: 17k
Thank you greatly!