Thorn Wolf x2: 4k
Jade Armor: 2k
Raptor: 4k
Ventari: 45k
Fungal Wallow: 2k
Heket Warrior: 4k
Siege Turtle x3: 4k
Mandragor Imp x2: 7k
Jungle Troll: 1k
Necrid Horseman x2: 2k
IGN: Bacon For Days
**all items are obo and unded
WTS Unded Miniatures
Josue Barcena
Abomination: 7k
Desert Griffon: 9k
ign emperador josy
Desert Griffon: 9k
ign emperador josy
Abomination: 8k
Raptor: 4k
Kveldulf: 9k
IGN: Sev Hunter
Raptor: 4k
Kveldulf: 9k
IGN: Sev Hunter
October Jade
I'd like these three, please:
Wind Rider 4k
Abyssal 5k
Krait Neoss 14k
ign Jasmine Vale
Wind Rider 4k
Abyssal 5k
Krait Neoss 14k
ign Jasmine Vale
bid 50k for Ventari + Kveldulf
PM on forums please, Afk in game
PM on forums please, Afk in game
2x harpy pls
ign:roxie mon
ign:roxie mon
Thanks for the trade
2nd day bump; updated the pet list
Random Generator
Thorn Wolf 4k
Heket Warrior 4k
Necrid Horseman 2k
IGN Random Generator
Heket Warrior 4k
Necrid Horseman 2k
IGN Random Generator
I still have the pets available