Basic Stuff
Alignment: Kurzick
What we're into: Everything awesome!
Our primary goal: To create a fully functioning guild of awesome, helpful and fun-loving players!
What we're like: We're a guild of mature players who enjoy helping others and grouping up for fun times. We don't deal with immature, spammy, trolly, or mean players. If we see you being lame and junk, then you're gone, pal.
Maturity: When I say maturity, I don't mean you can't have fun and junk, or crack some jokes and throw parties with cupcakes and sweet dance moves, I mean that we won't tolerate it if you're going to be a jerk, spam, or just be plain lame.
Activeness: It's pretty important that you're fairly active if you're going to be a part of our guild. We strive to be a guild full of helpful players, and you can't be helpful if you're not online. Well, you can, but you can't help the guild.
Don't be shy!: Don't be afraid to ask for help or to arrange a crazy dance party. Or anything else. That's what we're here for.
If you're interested in joining the growing, awesome family of The Tough Galoots, then PM me, mang! I'll send you an invite A.S.A.P.!
My in-game name is the same as my forum name: Captain Kodiak. We're looking forward to welcoming you to the family!
PvX The Tough Galoots [BAM] are recruiting helpful and awesome players!
Captain Kodiak