The Real Avalon

The Real Avalon

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

Belgium, Ostend.


250+233 Wintersday Gifts
250+183 Mischievous Tonics
2x Unded Marley
565 Candy Cane Shards
Plagueborn Focus +10 vs Ogres 10% HSR Req 10 Fast Casting
65 Hard Apple Ciders
70 Slices of Pumpkin Pie
250 Jade Wind Orbs
126 Sugary Blue Drinks
340 Mysterious Summoning Stones
400 Mysterious Tonics
Keg of Ale
Tribal Shield face skin Req 9 Tactics
Zodiac Axe 15^50 Req 10 Uninscr
Kaineng Axe +5 Energy Req 11
115 Cottontail Tonics
48 Wintergreen CCs
125 Crates of Fireworks
110 Mercantile Summoning Stones
170 Jars of Honey
240 Aged Hunter's Ale
195 Hunter's Ale
95 Green Rock Candies
85 Blues
80 Reds
Celestial Staff 20HSR/20 Healing Req 10 Communing
Gold ZCoins
Round Shield +10 VS Giants +1 Domination 20% Req 10 Tactics
Celestial Hammer 15^50 Req 10
7 Ress Scrolls
50 Lunar Fortunes [Pig]
Bo Staff Req 10/13 Fire 20/10
250+201 Poppers
250+192 Sparklers
250+112 Bottle Rockets
30 BDay Cupcakes
150 Rice Wine
250+86 Golden Eggs
250+88 Bunnies
1558 Cremes
Blue Majestic Focus Req 8 Domination Inscr
1250 Tournament Tokens
Plagueborn Focus +9 Vs Demons Curses +1 19% Req 9 Soul Reaping
Plagueborn Scepter +5<50 19% hct blood Req 9 Curses
Plagueborn Axe 15^50 Req 10
Battle Isle Iced Tea
3x Jesus Beams (Party Beacon)
Req 9 Divine Holy Branch 20/20 Prot
3x Celestial Tiger
1x Celestial Ox
1x Celestial Rabbit
Accursed Icon Req 9 Curses 45HP/Enchanted 19%HSR Death
Salient Daggers Req 9 Inscr
80 Firewater
Gloom Shield +30HP +9 Vs Earth Req 10 Tactics non-inscr

Pre Searing:
9 Black Dyes
250+106 GoTH
Ooze, Juggernaut, Charr Shaman

Any help is appreciated!



Miss the good ol' days

Join Date: Sep 2009

Where don't I live?


95 Green Rock Candies - 750g ea?
85 Blues - 1k ea
80 Reds - 2k ea
Gemsets - 12-14k
7 Ress Scrolls - 2k ea

Pre Searing:
60k - 120k (1:2 ratio - pre: post)

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Lord Dagon

Lord Dagon

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2009

Inside the Oblivion Gate

The Imperial Guards of Istan[TIGE]


unded marley ~13e each
gemsets 12/13k each
and gold zcoins are 2e each or so? since envoy weps are a little more then 200e

The Real Avalon

The Real Avalon

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

Belgium, Ostend.


Bump Please, thanks for the input so far!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2010

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]


340 Mysterious Summoning Stones- 300-400g each
400 Mysterious Tonics- 500-750g each
Keg of Ale- 13k
Tribal Shield face skin Req 9 Tactics- 25-35k
115 Cottontail Tonics- 200g each
125 Crates of Fireworks- 300-350g each
110 Mercantile Summoning Stones- 300-400g each
Celestial Staff 20HSR/20 Healing Req 10 Communing- merch imo mismatched atts
Gemsets- 13k
Gold ZCoins- 15k/2e
7 Ress Scrolls- 2k each
250+201 Poppers- 200g each
250+192 Sparklers- 200g each
250+112 Bottle Rockets- 200g each
30 BDay Cupcakes- 500g each
150 Rice Wine- merch, worth more that way
250+86 Golden Eggs- 550g each
1558 Cremes- 350g each
Blue Majestic Focus Req 8 Domination Inscr- 5-10k
3x Celestial Tiger- 50-70k
1x Celestial Ox- 30-50k
1x Celestial Rabbit- 30-50k

The Real Avalon

The Real Avalon

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

Belgium, Ostend.


Another bump please.

The Real Avalon

The Real Avalon

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

Belgium, Ostend.


final bump. Would really like to get some more opinions.

Oblivion Seeker

Oblivion Seeker

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2011

United States Est. Time Zone

Broken Legion [?????? ??????]


Alright...I will give some prices on some of things.
Hunter's Ale - 100g/each Ale goes for 100g/points, so you can do the math for the rest of the ale. (30g/each if in Pre)
Cottontail Tonics - 300g/each
Pre Money:Post Money - 1:2
Golden Eggs - 9e/stack
Crates of Fireworks - 350g/each
Gold Z Coins - 6k-1e/each
Mysterious Tonics - 500g/each
GotH - 310-320g/each
Black Dyes - 9k [in Pre]
Mischievous Tonics - 250g/each
Celestial Tigers - 40k/each
Celestial Ox - 55k?
Wintersday Gifts/Candy Cane Shards - Save for Christmas...The price will rise.
Mercantile Summoning Stones - 750g/1k each
B-day Cupcakes - 450g/each
Gloom Shield - 10k~
Juggernaut ( in Pre) - 5-7k
Unded Marley - 10-12e/each
Gemsets - 14k/each (if sold in the sets)

I hope I helped!!


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2010


gold zcoins are 2e each.........

Oblivion Seeker

Oblivion Seeker

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2011

United States Est. Time Zone

Broken Legion [?????? ??????]


Yeah, 1e was a little inaccurate, but they are at about 10k/each now.