Hello. Im looking for a luxon guild to do mqsc since im farming luxon title. I play almost every day around 5+ hours. For now I have a rit 1 char, but can work on rit 2 and other stuff if needed, but ill need some training for using other builds.
What I want:
- Active guild with lots of mqsc running without pugs
Who I am:
- IGN Conde Tommaso
- 50/50 HoM
- GWAMM (32 titles on main so far)
- Mature
What I dont want:
- Vent (I dont think this is rly needed for mqsc and I dont like it)
- Beggars (I work hard to earn my money)
- PUGs (they usually suck and I think heroes > pugs)
What I have to offer:
- Factions
- Help with PvE stuff when Im not doing MQ
PvE: mqsc luxon guild