Closed: PC q8 armor 16 non inscr shield
Hey just wondering if this Req 8 armor 16 non-inscribable Shield of the Wing is worth anything.
Rushin Roulette
Nope, afraid not. Its monomodded and the mod that is on it is extremely far from max.. plus being blue would also lower the price if it werent already at whatever the merchant gives.
Averaine Clou
Yup, merch food
ok thank you... just wondering how much would an Inscribable req 8 armor 16 shield be worth?
Averaine Clou
Depends on skin
Most common as great conch, SoTW, Wooden buckler are worth like 30-50k
But there are many uniqe worth 20e-500e
Most common as great conch, SoTW, Wooden buckler are worth like 30-50k
But there are many uniqe worth 20e-500e
agreed, skeleton is also 1 of the more common ones, but sotw q8/16 is more like around 100k