Name your price. Name your time. I'll explain more in game.
ign- Supersick Rit
LF Rit and Ele high end PvE teacher.
Depends on what you wanna learn...
< ign..
< ign..
Depends on whatcha need.
ign: Tiny The Ele
ign: Tiny The Ele
I can teach you more or less anything you want to know with Elementalist primaries except their roles in speedclears.
I'm usually online during the evenings GMT +8, but my schedule can be irregular at times.
IGN: Jeydra Evenstar
I'm usually online during the evenings GMT +8, but my schedule can be irregular at times.
IGN: Jeydra Evenstar
I can teach you:
rit; sos,dwg
ele; t1,t4, emo
in tway uwsc
"the mordiego"
rit; sos,dwg
ele; t1,t4, emo
in tway uwsc
"the mordiego"