- Sword of Purity
- Axe of Purity
- Daggers of Purity
- Hammer of Purity
- Scythe of Purity
- Spear of Purity
- Spear of Purity
- Flatbow of Purity
- Hornbow of Purity
- Longbow of Purity
- Recurve Bow of Purity
- Shortbow of Purity
- Shield of Purity
- Focus of Purity
- Fan of Purity
- Staff of Purity
Current amount for sale: x0
s/b: 1g
b/o: 60k
IGN: Master Eriko
WTS Any Weapon of Purity
Ill s/b with 10 k
ing s p l o o s h
daggers pls.
ing s p l o o s h
daggers pls.