Through this suggestion i am hoping to inspire you guys to come up with more options to buy stuff from the IGS that 'works' with the release of new content. The reason for this is that i currently have all but one costume pack, and only so much time to wear a costume... Still i would love to support GW1 content releases and keep them free of charge by buying related 'flavour' items other than costumes.
To give some sort of head start, for example:
- Weapon pack;
Would consist of 10 green themed weapons customized to the character, these could well be the same greens as those added as drops, the drops can be traded the bought ones can't. But they might also be designed to be different then the drops, @ddition: or even an old weapon pack, for the WoC content the 'afflicted weapon set' would have been nice to sell in the IGS, given they are customized when received so they can't be traded ingame. A suggestion in the thread was to hand them out without mods, and thus not readily usable for heroes (like greens)
- Un-dedicatable/tradable Miniature;
Although i am somewhat against buying 1/5th a point of the HOM, adding a themed miniature to the store wouldn't be such a big deal (to me atleast), it's only 1/5th a point and there have been other promotional mini's in the past that people had to buy something for to get it. Ofcourse only one miniature per account @ddition for the WoC content a mini Afflicted would have been nice, a suggestion was to make them undedicatable.
- A nontradable everlasting Tonic;
Everlasting tonics do not count for any title and making them customized means nobody can trade them. It could make a great item to sell along with the GW:B content, for the WoC an Afflicted Tonic would make sense.
!! The above 3 items would make a 'pack' that i would probably buy for the average IGS item prices. !!
- LVL20 Beyond-Character slot;
* This idea was debunked as it gave to big an advantage over non buyers..
- Possible other ingame items without a real benefit? (which is hard since most items do offer a benefit :P ) @dd found one in the form of a tonic, added above
- @dd Some people mentioned plushies to be sold in the IGS, i doubt people would want to buy an Afflicted Plushy, but Yakkington would mostlikely be a great hit...
- It may also be interesting to contact the GW2 shop developers and have a look through the outcome of the online survey. It may well be interesting to offer a themed T-shirt or Posters. And it may sound weird, but i would even be interested in buying an empty GuildWars:Beyond 'box' to add to my bookshelve. And quite possibly a GuildWars Container box, which is big enough to hold all the other game boxes.
This way people that want to, can buy GuildWars:Beyond related items other then costumes ... Interested to find out what other GW players think of this, and if they have any other ideas ?!