I have a few unded mini's I am looking to sell. PM me on here if you are interested in any of the following
Abomination 15k
Dredge Brute 15k
Fungal Wallow (x2) 1k each (one sold)
Jade Armour 1k
Hecket Warrior 5k
Hydra 1k
Mandragor Imp 5k
Raptor 9k
Siege Devourer 50k
Temple Guardian (x2) 1k each (one sold)
Terrorweb Dryder (x2) 15K
Thorn Wolf 5k
Whiptail Devourer 1k (sold)
Word of Madness 15k
Miniture Elf 15K
Pig 40k
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Unded mini's for sale
i'll take whiptail, temple guardian and fungal wallow
IGN: Kael Mageslayer
ty for trade!
IGN: Kael Mageslayer
ty for trade!
Anakita Snakecharm
IGN: Anakita Snakecharm