Seeking HM Shards Of Orr Run!

Nightmare Of Death

Nightmare Of Death

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2009


Sacred Knights of Orr



I've been around the block a few times now...
And to say the least, Shards of Orr has to be my least, favorite dungeon.

I currently need HM for the last part of my North Title, and would be more than thankful for any help with this.

Please post how much time you would need, and what you would charge.
The rest can be discussed in-game.

Thank you very much , and I look forward to doing business with you


Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2008

Happy to help you for free as long as you fight along. A run should not take more than an hour, and very likely take substantially less time than that. I'd rather not do this though until the next Fendi Nin ZB, which should be on the 27th of July.

Let me know. IGN: Jeydra Evenstar

The Super Chilli

The Super Chilli

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2008




I can probably get you into a pug SoOsc run or if your lucky a guild run. Cost you the normal bu price (1.5k) and usualy takes no longer than 20min. Preferably run on a weekend when more people are online.

IGN: Shadow Sparkz