13 Jul 2011 at 01:02 - 1
Who we are
Our guild name is "Liars Cheats and Thieves[Liar]". We have been a guild for over 4 years and have about 100 members(~90 of which have logged in within the past week) and are always looking for friendly players who enjoy participating in group activities. We are largely US/Canadian though we have many international players among us and our allies. We are Kurzick but have a sister guild to dump Luxon faction. Our focus is mainly pve though we do have some members engaged in GvG, Heroe's Ascent as well as casual pvp such as RA, AB, JQ and FA. Like many guilds, we do intend to carry through to Guild Wars 2. We belong to the AoL Alliance which is large, friendly and international.
Our Mission
We want [Liar] to be an environment where people can play together and enjoy anything the game has to offer. We want this to be place where people share their knowledge and experience with each other. People help each other out here, be it just with playing through the game for the first time, or learning advanced end game runs. This means that we are open to inviting people who are new to the game or returning from breaks. We will work with people to get them up to speed. We are more interested in people's ability to get along and work with their guildies than their immediate level of experience.
Though being helpful and friendly to each other is important in this guild, we still do very advanced end game activities. You name it, we do it. Domain of Anguish(Frostway), Underworld, FOW(Balanced and SC), hard mode Dungeons(Balanced and SC), MTSCs, Hardmode Missions, Vanquishes, Zaishen Quests(All PvE and PvP), War in Kryta, the new Pre-Dailies and more! Our members are currently jumping into the recent Winds of Change content update.
Looking for new members
With the above in mind as our focus and mission, we are always looking for players that feel this kind of guild is right for them. At this time we only have enough room for about 10 new members. But can refer further applicants to other guilds in our alliance. We have a very tight knit alliance
Planned events Schedule
Something that has been very popular with us is our planned events. To save time on organizing runs on the spot, these runs are posted a week before hand in our planned events forum where a date and time is set. Then throughout the week members who are interested sign up for specific spots and show up at the scheduled time, with their character's equipped and ready to go. You do not need to sign up a week in advance if you do not know if you can make it. You can wait until the night of and sign up if there are still spots open.
If you join, you will not be required to come on any of these, but they are there for those who are interested.
Our requirements
1)That you be 17 years of age or older.
2)That you be and willing to use ventrilo whenever playing with other guildies. We do not require members to be on vent outside of team activities but we strongly encourage its use since we feel that it helps people get to know one another. Ventrilo is a free voice chat program ( linked from our website with installation and setup instructions ) and if you need help, any officer will be able to help you get setup on it.
3)That once you have joined us, you get registered on vent and our forums to better facilitate communication. The information is available on the guild status bar in game. Don't be shy now, come join us!
4)That you be willing to contribute to and maintain a fun and respectful gaming environment. You must be willing to give players(guildies, allies and pugs) the same level of respect you want and deserve at all times.
You can apply by either pming the answers to these questions here on guru, or by posting on our own website here.
1. What is your in game name?
2. By what name do you want your guildies to call you?(in game and on vent)
3. What is your Time Zone?
4. Do you meet with and agree to everything in the requirements section of our recruitment post?
5. Do you have any questions regarding the guild?
Our new website: http://www.liarcheatsandthieves.com/index.php
You can view it without registering by using the following log-in info User:visitor Password:f*ib*ber*s (remove the '*')
Feel free to pm me on guru or in game if you have any questions. We can also get on our vent server if you want to chat. ign: Lucci Slevin
Thank you.
Guild Pics