LF Perma Unid Sellers Decent Rates

Alpha Male

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2008



Looking for permanent unid sellers (until i get max) I'm currently on 3,455 / 10,000

So here are my rates of pay
1) 7 Unid = 5k (If you become a perma seller @ this rate it may rise)

2) 7 Unid = 3k (I Identify the golds then give them back to you all with mods on)

3) 21 Unid = 2e (+/- cash depending on trader price)

I am on GMT timezone, please post here or PM me via guru if you have any quieres or if you're selling me some unids!

IGN 1) Mini Kael 2) Mini Gambit
Above are my main 2 accounts please PM me IG on either of them.

Thank you for reading my post


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2010

Fort Worth, Tx



I'll help you out and do Option 1. I get lots of golds vanquishing and chest running, more if you finally wanted your Luxon 5 chests a run = lots of unids, although i do ID stuff that isn't a weapon, garment and etc. and all shields i get that aren't inscribable (so i only ID Tyrian/Canthan Shields)(All Nightfall/EotN weapons will be for your pleasure to ID). So other then those few items that i still do ID, i still get a butt load almost daily. atleast 21+ on a good day...

You know my IGN

Alpha Male

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2008



Just a quick update I could really do with around 5 perma sellers - would be ideal! Thanks deals I'll contact you!





Join Date: Nov 2007

Playing GW2 on EU - FSP, pm me for contact details

Fellowship of the [Ling]

I'm not playing that much nowadays, but I'll save mine for you whenever I get them. I know your IGN by now

- Ling