I will offer alot of my BDS for sale right now.
All prices are not negociable and i accept only buy-out offers.
When you offer on a BDS leave your ingamenick in the post or send it to me via PM. I will only accept BDS as part of a trade.
BDS for Ele:
#1 BDS Q11 Fire: 60e (sold)
#2 BDS Q11 Fire: 60e (sold)
#3 BDS Q11 Fire: 60e
#4 BDS Q10 Fire: 75e
#5 BDS Q13 Water: 32e (sold)
#6 BDS Q9 Water: 70e (sold)
#7 BDS Q9 Water: 70e (sold)
#8 BDS Q13 Air: 32e (sold)
#9 BDS Q12 Air: 36e (sold)
#10 BDS Q13 Earth: 80e (sold)
#11 BDS Q11 Earth: 105e
#12 BDS Q10 Earth: 140e
BDS for Necro:
#13 BDS Q10 Curses: 85e (sold)
#14 BDS Q10 Curses: 85e (sold)
#15 BDS Q10 Curses: 85e
#16 BDS Q13 Soul Reaping: 35e (sold)
#17 BDS Q10 Soul Reaping: 75e
#18 BDS Q9 Soul Reaping: 133e
BDS for Mesmer
#19 BDS Q10 Fast Cast: 44e (sold)
#20 BDS Q11 Fast Cast: 39e (sold)
#21 BDS Q13 illusion: 32e (sold)
#22 BDS Q9 Illusion: 65e
BDS for Monk
#23 BDS Q10 Healing Prayers: 120e
#24 BDS Q9 Divine Favor: 100e (sold)
#25 BDS Q13 Protection Prayers: 225e (sold)
BDS for Ritualist
#26 BDS Q9 Channeling: 170e (sold)
#27 BDS Q11 Channeling: 95e (sold)
#28 BDS Q13 Spawning: 35e (sold)
#29 BDS Q12 Restore: 38e (sold)
Rare BDS
#30 BDS Q13 Illusion (OLDSCHOOL = Uninscribable): 150eregards
30x Bone Dragon Staff
Legendary Dream
#28 BDS Q13 Spawning: 35e
#21 BDS Q13 illusion: 32e
ign Teh Far Cry
#21 BDS Q13 illusion: 32e
ign Teh Far Cry
BDS Q13 Soul Reaping: 35e
Diego El Necro
Diego El Necro
#20 q11 fast cast
ign frequent donkey
ign frequent donkey