I'm looking for a price check on a req 9 Hornbow (Mursaat skin) with inscription slot. It has a few other random mods that should not be a factor in its worth; I don't expect a picture will be needed.
I searched for awhile on the interwebs and found nothing even close within the last few years :/ Thanks in advance.
PC on q9 inscribable Mursaat Hornbow
10-25k depends how keen a buyer is.
Meh, I thought it was rarer than that.. but then I'm not surprised to find I'm out of date. Would it be worthwhile to mod it before trying to sell it?
Sold two recently, one for 25k, one for 33k, those are both auction house prices so expect less in game if you dont want to bust your balls trying.
Bought one for 20k today ingame.