As listed, my storage getting filled up by these weps of which I'm unsure about their values. PC please?
Thanks in advance
Edit: Picture wasn't working
PC on weapons for storage cleanout
old school hand axes = 15k each
blue tribal = merch
wands = merch
gladius = 5k
dwarven axe = 5k, insciption dwarvens are common as dirt
stygian reaver = 5-10k
FDS = 5k, I would merch to save time tho
zodiac shield = 5-10k, motivation is not a popular attribute
blue tribal = merch
wands = merch
gladius = 5k
dwarven axe = 5k, insciption dwarvens are common as dirt
stygian reaver = 5-10k
FDS = 5k, I would merch to save time tho
zodiac shield = 5-10k, motivation is not a popular attribute