Can you turn in Mallyx quest in the outpost?
Pyros Akali
Like the title of the question suggests, I'm wondering if anyone knows if you can exit the mission after you killed Mallyx to turn it in the outpost. I'm thinking 30k xp would be pretty nice to have on my non max level heroes(not so much on the others), but at the same time I don't want to kill Mallyx, exit, then find out the objectives have been cancelled and I have to do it again(even though it's not that long, it's pretty boring). Anyone maybe who wiped after killing him?
Calista Blackblood
Yes,but you will need to change district if you want to take the quest again straight after.
Pyros Akali
Thanks a lot for the quick answer, was standing in front of the NPC, worked nicely, got 2-3levels on my non max heroes, less time to spend in junnundus is always good.
Sheesh that was a scary moment! Well, not scary, since I actually quite enjoyed the whole DoA experience.. and wouldn't have minded toooo much doing the Mallyx 'pre-fight' (I think my heroes were ready to resign though.. hehe)
I left 'SnakeyChops' in 'the MorganApe's' pit, and went to outpost.. only to see that the last entry of my quest log had been wiped (i.e. looked like the Mallyx Citadel bit had to be done again)...
Started moaning to guildie, during which I thought it might be a good idea to actually speak to Zhellix... Sure enough, he was offering me the reward.
So to anyone else who comes here in an excited state of 'OhNoes', BREATHE....... lol
I left 'SnakeyChops' in 'the MorganApe's' pit, and went to outpost.. only to see that the last entry of my quest log had been wiped (i.e. looked like the Mallyx Citadel bit had to be done again)...
Started moaning to guildie, during which I thought it might be a good idea to actually speak to Zhellix... Sure enough, he was offering me the reward.
So to anyone else who comes here in an excited state of 'OhNoes', BREATHE....... lol