Selling a wintergreen Axe/Shield
Offer me
Wintergreen axe Caster modded
"I have the power" + 5 energy
20% Enchant
C/O 17e B/O 50e
Wintergreen Shield of Devotion.
Inscription Sheltered by Faith
Received Physical damage -2 ( While Enchanted )
+45 HP ( While Enchanted )
C/O ?? B/O 100e
Domination Destroyer 40/20 Set
C/O ?? B/O TBE
Mini Smite Crawler : C/O ?? B/O 15e
Everlasting Morgahn Tonic : C/O ?? B/O 70k
Q13 Water magic Celestial Compass :
Halves Casting time Chances 9%
Insc : Knowing is half the battle +5 Armor while casting
C/O ?? B/O 30k
Q9 Motivation Amethyst Aegis
+43 Health ( While Enchanted )
Inscription : Strenght and Body
Reduce deep wound by 20%
C/O ?? B/O 65k
Elite Paragon/Ranger/Warrior Tomes . 5k ea.
9 warrior tomes 400g/ea
2 dervish tomes 600g/ea
10 necro tomes 300g/ea
1 monk tome 1k
2 ritualist tomes 800g/ea
Obsidian Shards x10 3.2k/ea
1 Ruby 7.5k
Stone Rain Polymock Piece
+30 HP Staff Head 2k
"i have the power mod" 5k
Scythe of Corruption ( Green )
SoOsc Modded
Leave offers here or PM ingame
- Diros Mitsu.
WTS Wintergreen Axe/Shield . ETC!
17e wintergreen shield to start
ign: Twix I
ign: Twix I