Ewon's Massive Storage Clear [Lowered Prices]
DetailsStorage Clear: I have decided it is time to clear out my account of all my unwanted items. The list below may grow as I acquire, or find more items on my accounts I'm looking to sellOBO Details: All items listed will have an OBO on them. If you find the prices to be too high, please feel free to offer a lower price. I am in no rush to sell off everything, so make sure to keep your offers worthwhile.Purchasing: As these items are spread across 3-4 accounts, I will be guesting you to my guild to make the process easier.Reserving: If you are buying a large number of items, I will reserve them for you for 2-3 days. If you are not buying in large quantities, I will be selling to the first buyer I am able to contact. Currency: I will be accepting gold and/or ectos only.
Consumables (Festival)Quantity
PriceDetailsStorage Clear: I have decided it is time to clear out my account of all my unwanted items. The list below may grow as I acquire, or find more items on my accounts I'm looking to sellOBO Details: All items listed will have an OBO on them. If you find the prices to be too high, please feel free to offer a lower price. I am in no rush to sell off everything, so make sure to keep your offers worthwhile.Purchasing: As these items are spread across 3-4 accounts, I will be guesting you to my guild to make the process easier.Reserving: If you are buying a large number of items, I will reserve them for you for 2-3 days. If you are not buying in large quantities, I will be selling to the first buyer I am able to contact. Currency: I will be accepting gold and/or ectos only.
Consumables (Festival)Quantity
Consumables (Sweets)QuantityPriceCandy Apples886380g/ea.Candy Corn212380g/ea.Pumpkin Cookies2,738140g/ea.Rainbow Candy Canes200140g/ea.
TomesQuantityPriceAssassin Tomes632100g/ea.
PresentsQuantityPriceGifts of the Traveler1934k/ea.Gladiator's Strongbox197k/ea.
Hero Armor PiecesQuantityPriceAncient Armor Remnants157k/ea.Mysterious Armor Pieces167k/ea.Primeval Armor Remnants77k/ea.Stolen Sunspear Armor297k/ea.
Upgrade ComponentsQuantityPrice"Aptitude not Attitude" (20%)35k/ea."The Riddle of Steel" (+10)1
3k/ea.Shield Handle of Fortitude (+30)