Just wondering of there is anything of any value here before a trip to the merchant
r11 celestial bow
life draining 5
energy regen -1
enchantments 19%
non insc
r9 hand axe
damage +14% stance
health +30
non insc
r12 strength celestial shield
damage -2 stance
health +56 hexed
non insc
r13 steel broadsword
armour penetration 20/20
r12 mammoth blade
cripppling 33%
Inscription brain over brawn
dmg +15%
energy -5
Dmg +19% vs undead
r11 portal staff (energy storage)
Health +30
armour +7 (physical)
r13 jade hammer
dmg +14%
energy -5
energy gain 1
energy regen -1
dmg +19% vs demons
non insc
r11 coulded maul
dmg +15%
energy -5
deep wound 33%
enchantments 20%
non insc
and one green from todays little hunt
Havoks Maul
dmg +15% health above 50%
armour penetration 20/20
health +30
thanks very much and mods, please close any other posts that may be open, dont think there are any though
PC on some golds please