Just a few mixed items for sale, in an effort to add to my Hall Of Monuments fund. All prices are negotiable, with no buyouts, but I am open to offers.
S/B: 10k
S/B: 5k
S/B: 10k
S/B: 10k
S/B: 2k
All are dedicated, and are open to offers.
- Kirin (Purple)
- Jade Armour
- Necrid Horseman
- Jungle Troll
- Burning Titan (Purple)
- Wind Rider
- Thorn Wolf
- Mursaat
- Fire Imp
- Heket Warrior
- Water Djinn (Gold)
- Dredge Brute
- Koss (Purple)
- Charr Shaman (Purple)
- Cloudtouched Simian
- Mandragor Imp
- Abyssal
- Word Of Madness
- Flowstone Elemental (Purple)
- Cave Spider
- Celestial Ox (Gold)
- Forest Minotaur
- Fungal Wallow
- Harpy Ranger
- Raptor
- Scourge Manta
- Ophil Nahualli
- Krait Neoss
- Juggernaut
+30 HP for axe (x2)
+30 HP for Focus (x1)
Strength and Honour inscription, 15^50 (x1)
Zealous axe haft 1/1 (x1)
The Black Emporium
Midnight Harmony
Midnight Harmony
Bump it up!
Mr Im So Hood
b/o on hand axe
mr im so hood
mr im so hood
Midnight Harmony
Bump up my thread!
Midnight Harmony
Bumping again!
Midnight Harmony
Bumping again.
Chuy Dog
I'll offer 2K on the Adept Air Staff
IGN Chuy Dog
on at 9:30PM PST
IGN Chuy Dog
on at 9:30PM PST