Some Stuff
i <3 Milka
***closed by seller***
Master Astaldo
s/b on voltaic spear, oppressor's scythe, and chaos axe
IGN: Master Astaldo
IGN: Master Astaldo
ben glover
18e on voltiac
Retracted sry
i <3 Milka
~~Bump #1~~
20 ecto voltaic
does the I only accept pre payment count towards only the sheild or the entire post? if it is the entire post i'll retract
ign Falkner Knight
does the I only accept pre payment count towards only the sheild or the entire post? if it is the entire post i'll retract
ign Falkner Knight
40k Oppressor Scythe
IGN = Ultima Devil
IGN = Ultima Devil
20k Opp Scythe
21e VS
ign Reyna Macstah
21e VS
ign Reyna Macstah
22 ecto Voltaic spear
Falkner Knight
Falkner Knight
i <3 Milka
Master Astaldo
35k oppressor's scythe
5k chaos axe
IGN: Master Astaldo
5k chaos axe
IGN: Master Astaldo
B/o on all the flames of Balth
25 Flames of Baltharzar
B/o: 2,5k/ea
10 Golden Flames of Baltharzar
B/o: 8k/ea
IGN - Shikos Master
25 Flames of Baltharzar
B/o: 2,5k/ea
10 Golden Flames of Baltharzar
B/o: 8k/ea
IGN - Shikos Master