Selling all of these items listed.
Got multiples of some of them so just ask for 2 if you want multiple and I will see if I got.
Green Items:
Murakai's Reaver
Byzzr's Benediction
The Bison Cup
Fendi's Staff
Ilsundur's Staff
Elswyth's Longbow
The Scar Eater
Divine Shadow Staff
Ilsundur's Rod
Kerrsh's Staff
Ilsundur's Focus
Murakai's Blade
Fendi's Focus
Cyndr's Aegis
Thorgall's Shield
Victo's Bulwark
Everthorn's Chakrams
Lian's Lantern
Kole's Torment
Kepkhet's Refuge
The Mindclouder
Illyana's Mirror
Krait Neoss
Jungle Troll
Word of Madness
Forest Minotaur
Charr shaman
Fungal Wallow
Palawa Joko
Jade Armor
Mandragor Imp
Dagnar Stonepate
Bladed Aatxe
Candysmith Marley
Shard Wolf
Celestial Tiger
Bladed Aatxe
Mandragor Imp
Eye of Janthir
Post here your IGN and I will add you on GW. Or you can pm me it.
Looking for offers on all items and will sell my Gold items after these are gone.
Guild Wars Mini-Pets + Greens
Still Selling All These Items!
Ilsundur's Staff 4k
The Scar Eater 3k ea all u have
The Mindclouder 3k ea all u have
Victo's Bulwark 3k
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
Ilsundur's Staff 4k
The Scar Eater 3k ea all u have
The Mindclouder 3k ea all u have
Victo's Bulwark 3k
ign: Gresdor Firetaler