Hey, Id really appreciate a PC on these two shields please if possible, many thanks in advance either way :-)
Ebon Hand Aegis
Gold, AL16, Q10 Str, Luck of the Draw -5 20% , +30
Eternal Shield
Gold, AL16, Q10 Tactics, Luck of the Draw -5 20% , +30
Thanks again in advance.
PC on 2 Gold Shields please.
I was driving on a very uneven road today, then i crashed, as I had hit a massive ^^BUMP^^ .
Bright Star Shine
Ebon Hand: 10k if you really wanna bother selling it.. Merch it if you ask me, salv the mods, those alone kind of made up the 10k...
Eternal: 15-20k but again, I'd merch it to save yourself the effort...
Eternal: 15-20k but again, I'd merch it to save yourself the effort...
^exactly what he says