Ancients Spirits is a newly formed GW guild with just a few members presently looking to grow with quality people of like mind and heart.
Who are the Ancient Spirits you might ask.
The Ancient Spirits are the husband and wife team who co lead the guild and are above the age bracket of the majority of online gamers. In real life we are grandparents but still young at heart and enjoy online gaming immensely. Hence the name. Not all of our fellow Ancient Spirits are as old as us, but they have shown the same spirit and maturity we look for in others. We are always ready to welcome another Ancient Spirit into our midst who are of like heart, mind, spirit and show they are mature and respectful.
We look for those who are self sufficient and not quitters or whiners. We play for fun and fellowship not to babysit or have demands placed on us in or out of guild. We also do not have a bunch of rules and regulations telling us how to be respectful and honorable in the game for we already live our lives that way in or out of game.
Guild Wars is a very exciting game and offers enough diversity that the guild can be a close knit family whether one is a casual gamer or a hard core player. The goals set forth for the guild as we grow in the Guild Wars community are fellowship, fun, teamwork, strategy and support of one another and to participate in all aspects of the game whether it is PvE, PvP or GvG.
If this sounds like the type of guild for you visit Ancient Spirits at our website or send a /whisper to Lyndi Dawn in game.
Lyndi Dawn
Ancient Spirits (AS)
Lyndi Dawn