Selling Cheap Perfect Mods and other stuff.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006


Hey all, just looking to get rid of some perfect mods I have sitting in my storage. Msg me in game or leave a post here with your IGN, and I will get to you eventually

Inscribable Golds
Q9 (Resto) Shamanic Wand:3k
Q9 (Tac) Equine Aegis: 3k
Q9 Dolyak Prod Staff: 5k

Uninscribable Golds
Q9 Amber Longbow 15^50: 2k

Hammer Mods
5/1 Vamp: 500g

Sword Mods
1/1 Zealous: 1k
20% Enchanting: 2k

Dagger Mods
20% Enchanting: 2k

Staff Mods
4x +5 energy head: 1k ea
2x 20% Enchanting staff wrapping: 2k ea
2x +30 HP staff wrapping: 2k ea

Axe Mod
20% Enchanting: 2k

Wand Mod
Wand Wrapping of Quickening 10%: 2k

Focus Mod
Focus Core +30HP: 2k

Bow Mod
Sundering string 20/20: 3k

Scythe Mods
Vamp Snathe 5/1: 2k
20% Enchant Grip: 4k

2x "Guided by Fate" 15/enchanted: 1k ea
2x "Seize the Day" 15/-5energy: 1k ea
2x "Dance with Death" 15/stance: 1k ea
3x "Hale and Hearty" +5nrg^50: 1k ea
3x "Don't Think Twice" 10% half cast spells: 1k
"Strength and Honor" 15^50: 2k

Elite Ranger: 5k

2x Top Right Map Piece: 500g
18x Royal Gifts: 4k ea

IGN: Chidori Owns


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2010


I'll take the 20%Ench for Hammer @500g

IGN: I Obsidian Angel I


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006


bump because i got new items


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2008

2x +30 HP staff wrapping
4k total
IGN: Wade M


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2011

Taste of Divinity

I'll take the Swift Staff Head 1k

IGN: Dan Tat


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2011

I'll take the "Strength and Honor" inscription please.

IGN: Nojiko Rose

EDIT: Bought in game..Sorry..