Urgoz tanking?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2009


Society of Souls [Argh]


Hi all,

I just wanted some advice on solo tanking in urgoz hm. After looking around at builds and general guides I have this build so far. But I am not sure about what should fill my last slot.

Shadow Form
Shroud of Distress
Mental Block
Armor of Earth
Stoneflesh Aura
Deaths Charge

I also wanted to ask are there any special shields that I would need or does it really matter? And in terms of bonds do I only need life bond and balth spirit? And are pcons (candy corn etc.) essential for this role? And finally are there any more good videos on this role like the one on paranon's youtube channel?




Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2006




unfortunately there are few videos on the subject as not many people do urgoz like this, your bar looks good, personally i would run Heart of shadow in the last slot for getting unstuck and a selfheal. If you run Armor of earth then a speedboost like a cupcake or blue rock is needed. The only bond you NEED is life bond but balth helps in thorn wolf rooms for maintaining all your enchants.

edit: another thing to note is that solo tanking urgoz is not a particularly brilliant idea, having another tank to pull through makes the run a lot safer and faster.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2011

Terra Noise [Zraw]


A shield with +10 vs plants is obviously the best, but u can have any shield if u don't have one of those because it doesn't rly matter since u will have life bond on u anyway.

About the build I would add HoS in the empty slot, and replace Stoneflesh or Mental Block with Recall. Recall is nice for skips, or if anything goes wrong u can recall out.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2011


Tempus Omnia Revelat [TOR]


I used Dark Escape, and it was fine ^^