While individual members bring diverse aspirations to the guild hall there is a group of core values which we all share: acting honorably, being true to our word, kind to others, being loyal to each other, and passionately pursuing our own goals while helping others to obtain theirs. This is the foundation upon which Descendants of Honor is built.
Our guild is composed of individuals who have all belonged to or helped lead other guilds in the past. We came together and founded DH in an attempt to embody the best that we have encountered in our time playing Guild Wars. Some of us have been playing since the game came out and others have been playing for just a fraction of that time. We have everything from “Not too Smelly” to GWAMM represented and we are open to members with all levels of experience as long as you have a passion for playing the game.
Our guild has plenty of things to offer. Here are some of those things:
A very active community and friendly environment.
Our guild leads a very large and successful alliance. We do our best to include everyone we can in all parts of the world, which makes our activity pretty solid throughout all the day. We handpick all of our members to make sure everyone can get along and have a good time together. We are versed in all parts of the game and really just "go with the flow" doing whatever someone happens to need help with.
Fully functional and active website and forums.
We feel that in order to have a successful alliance, we need to have a place for preparation and coordination. We have a very active website and forum for just this purpose. Note: Please realize that only members of our alliance may view our hidden and private guild forums, but our website is open to anyone interested in checking us out.