Hey guys just wondering what value of some items
Vampiric Stilletos ( req 7 dagger ) {gold | inscribe }
life drain 3 -1 hp degen
Idol (req 8 blood // +12e ) { blue | inscribe }
halves cast time %10
+7 armor from lightning
Bladed Shield (req 7 tact/ ar 15) {blue | noninscribe }
+15hp stance
PC on req 7 Gold inscribe daggers (others )
Outo Oli Apc
Merch Stilletos, as they are nonmax. Bladed is also merch.
Idol maybe 20k?
Idol maybe 20k?
Jason Xll
Bladed might fetch a couple kay, but I would merch. Also merch daggers.
Idol is 5-10k.
Idol is 5-10k.
pawning jock
merch idol.. really its not worth the effort, its not much demanded and especially blood