Massive lagg...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2009

Everytime I enter a battle in AB I get these kinds of spazz laggs. Even when my ping says 78 or whatever. Sometimes I get up to 5k ping. I don't know if it's the servers, or me because I've asked other people and they also say they got it at the same times. I can get it all kinds of places really, in the guild hall & bla bla bla.

I'm wondering if other people have it, or if it can be my internet? It started 2 weeks ago for me. I reset my router aswell, just to see if it would help. And well it didn't.

Tell me if you need some info about my comp.

ben glover

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Great British Army


I keep getting something where its keeps teleing my places and i dont actually know where i am, when i double click on something to move to it i'll instantly teleport to it on my screen but won't actually be there, dont know if thats the same as what your having? But i get it everywhere, only started recently also :S



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2009




First of all, have you read the sticky thread? If not, I suggest you start there.

[Guide] Solving common game related lag issues

If you're experiencing an unusual amount of lag, and the above link is of no help, a number of questions come to mind.

1) What speeds are you paying for?

2) What is your internet set-up? Wired? Wireless?
-If wired, are you plugged directly into the router or modem?
-If wireless, how far away are you? This would be a later step, but if nothing else works, is there anybody you know that you can borrow a wireless router from?

3) Is there anybody else using the internet while you are?

4) Are you running any background applications? Chat clients, web browsers, FTP programs, etc. If so, try closing / shutting them off, and see if that helps. Although people suggest shutting off your firewall / anti-virus / anti-malware / anti-rootkit applications, doing so only results in a minimal increase of speed. (Unless, of course, your anti-whatever is attempting to auto-update itself, failing, and constantly retrying.)

5) If you play any other online games, does the lag issue occur in them?

6) Are you using a desktop, or a laptop? How old is it? What are it's specs? Have you cleaned it recently? Dust causes heat, and heat can do all sorts of terrible things and cause all types of problems.

7) On the topic of heat - is your modem and/or router in a well-vented area? If either overheat, that could be a cause of lag as well.

Some of my suggestions would be to:
1) Update your GPU drivers.
2) Reinstall your game, using -image.
3) Turn off vertical sync, if it is on.
4) As mentioned earlier, if you are able, borrow someone's wireless router (if you yourself are using one) to use in place of yours, to see if it eliminates the lag issue.

Of course, these are suggestions before knowing answers, keep that in mind!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2009

Okay so I did everything you said and that didn't fix it. So as I was gonna reply to your questions I realised; Did i download the driver for my wireless card? Nope. Well I don't have lagg anymore. Haha. Sorry. Weird that one can forget such a thing



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2009

Nevermind. This solved the issue for about 1 day. It's all back to massive lagg -.-