Team build templates

Lawliet Kira

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2006


I suggest how like just how we have skill templates for us and our individual heros, we could have 7 hero-team build templates. So you can auto load all your heros with the specified builds for such things as 4 man-6man-and 8man areas. Or you have a specific dungeon that needs to be done, and you load you load all your hero builds with click of a button instead of going through each hero individually.

Example: Click on your 8man vq template and it auto loads all your heros into your party that you specified for that template with the builds that you made for them

Green Sscythe

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2011

Oscen Ex Merito


This has been suggested ALOT. It's a good idea but the programming might be a pain. I personally wouldn't use it since I change my VQ build alot depending on the VQ but I'm sure other people would love it.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Yeah, we've been here many times before. Please use search + check stickies before making threads.