Q9 Divine Favor gold Icicle staff
Max dmg, inscriptable
How much these are worth? Drops only from frostmaw chest so it probably is worth more than what merchant offers.
PC Q9 Div Favor Icicle Staff
I did a search on wiki...and it's kind of an ugly staff...but I've never seen one before. Maybe do a search on these forums and see if anyone has sold one recently? Good luck.
Ok, so its time to talk about staff skins. Lets work together here and try and come up with a rarity list of sorts. We all know the more rare staves are the Canthan Dragon Staff, Bo Staff, and the Platinum Staff. There are a few a tier lower like Celestial, Forbidden, Zodiac, and Ghostly. I want to also touch on some other not well known skins. There are many skins that drop commonly in white or blue that are actually quite rare to find perfect gold versions other than those listed above.
*Addition* We are going to put the staffs into tiers of rarity. TIER 5 Rarity - Very Rare Dragon Bo Platinum Pre Nerf 20/20 or 20/10 [Example to be added] Post Nerf Req 8 20/20 or 20/10 or ANY Mod [example to be added] TIER 4 Rarity - Rare Outcast Forbidden Cockatrice Plagueborn Ghostly Celestial Zodiac TIER 3 Rarity - Semi Rare Raven Amber Jade Shadow Jeweled - Twin Serpeant Obsidian Earth Dark Tendril Holy Branch Divine TIER 2 Rarity - Un Common Bone Dragon Chrysocola Astral Cobalt Crystal Flame Embercrest Ancient Moss Icicle Insectoid Moldavite Onyx Suntouched Turquoise Goldhorn Red Asuraline Ghostly - Inscribable Zodiac - Inscribable TIER 1 Rarity - Common All Inscribable Skins NOT Designated to an Dungeon End Chest Platinum - Inscribable Holy Branch - Inscribable Jeweled - Twin Serpeant - Inscribable Divine - Inscribable Dead Holy Any Staff Attainable by Crafting or Quest Completion Tormented Oppressor's Destroyer Asuran Charrslayer Norn Undead Charr Mursaat Tengu Lotus Raven - Craftable Gemstone Candy Cane |