PvP: GvG guild


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

I'm looking for a guild whom doesn't mind a deaf person part of your gvg squad. From my understanding that vent/ts is required for gvg match for synch communication regarded with tactical execution. Before you're going to "reject" my application, I have some notable experiences in the background.

A creator of elite deaf team: http://www.guildwars.com/community/g...tedeafteam.php

rank: 153 (temporary, didn't last that long until my guild collapsed due to college).

Notable won matches: defeat WarMachine, the last pride (EvIL), Rawr guild (right before rawr dominated in gvg), QQ, There is a cow level, and several others.

Was part of Power Puff Rangers (Puff) practice team (before they sold guild to someone else)
rank: 43

An original creator of the Anaconda Tactic.

Since I cannot be on vent/ts or other voice communication program; I will be a midliner player such as mesmer, ele, or whatever or a linebacker (yes, that's an old school during world championship era). I can run flag really well. I can be a good monk, but unfortunately, it required vent/ts communication. Oh well.

I'm very friendly and very nice person. I won't be a dick to you at all.

You can contact me at [email protected] or ign: pompey magnus
