PC Duo Modded items
Lithril Ashwalker
Lithril Ashwalker
Lithril Ashwalker
~~~~~~~~~~~~BUMP~~~~~~ jeez
ele kid
I'd merch the first 3.
Bone staff is 20/20 matching mods?
Ornate 15e but im no good at shields really...
Merch the defender
Bone staff is 20/20 matching mods?
Ornate 15e but im no good at shields really...
Merch the defender
Lithril Ashwalker
~~~~ bump ~~~~~~
Lithril Ashwalker
~~~~~ Bump~~~~~
Lithril Ashwalker
Jesus christ hurry up, its not that hard to glance at this thread
Jesus christ hurry up, its not that hard to glance at this thread
crenellated - 20kish
ornate - i'de say 10-15e
cele staff - 20-30k
bone staff - 15kish
gothic caster - 20kish ??
i dont bother with common insc stuph, sry
ankh, is bad... maybe 5-10 at Most, and thats if find someone
deadbow, dunno. i'de say 10k is good if u could get. 15whilst ench, not too hot
defender 15k at most
merch the q8, its cool but. no one will buy
prot icon... id merch
cesta merch
channeling focus 10k at most, but otherwise merch
... i think i used to sell dead swords at 10k. but that was a while ago.
hmm crude... i'de say 20kish. high q and tact. nice skin though
again merch the q8
ornate - i'de say 10-15e
cele staff - 20-30k
bone staff - 15kish
gothic caster - 20kish ??
i dont bother with common insc stuph, sry
ankh, is bad... maybe 5-10 at Most, and thats if find someone
deadbow, dunno. i'de say 10k is good if u could get. 15whilst ench, not too hot
defender 15k at most
merch the q8, its cool but. no one will buy
prot icon... id merch
cesta merch
channeling focus 10k at most, but otherwise merch
... i think i used to sell dead swords at 10k. but that was a while ago.
hmm crude... i'de say 20kish. high q and tact. nice skin though
again merch the q8
I sold a Bone Staff like that for 70k 6 months ago or so.
Merch the Dead Bow (even 15^50 q9 uninsc are hard to sell due to overfarming)
Merch the two blue q8's
Hornbow - if it's the Mursaat skin, ~30-40k. Otherwise, merchant.
Merch the Dead Bow (even 15^50 q9 uninsc are hard to sell due to overfarming)
Merch the two blue q8's
Hornbow - if it's the Mursaat skin, ~30-40k. Otherwise, merchant.