PC on Q9 Inscribable Golden Phoenix Blade


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2010


Title says it all. Right now it's a Q9 Ebon Golden Phoenix Blade of Fortitude with a perfect fortitude mod.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2011


I normally just merch common skins like the Pheonix, no one really wants inscribable junk.

Now if it was non insc +5 or 15^50 etc it would be worth looking at.

Very hard to get more than 2-5k for most common skin swords in the game, so I usually don't bother, preferring to give them away to low level players or merch.


As for the guy who think you can get 40k... just stand about in Kama trying, you will be there a long time. Be happy to sell you one for 5k next time one drops.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2008


Originally Posted by Venganza View Post
I normally just merch common skins like the Pheonix, no one really wants inscribable junk.

Now if it was non insc +5 or 15^50 etc it would be worth looking at.

Very hard to get more than 2-5k for most common skin swords in the game, so I usually don't bother, preferring to give them away to low level players or merch.
disregard this post

could still get 15katleast easy for a gpb req9 inscriptable, can go as high as 30-40k

pawning jock

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2007


ye its nice/uncommon skin..... ~25k

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Take any offer over 10k.