16 (Req 8) (Str) shield of the lion
16 (req 8) (Str) Shadow Shield
16 (Req 8) (Str) Oaken Shield
16 (Req 8) (Mot) Vabbian defender
6-29 (req 9) Gemstone Axe
15-22 (Req 9) Igneous Blade
6-28 (req 9) Firey blade Axe
15 (Q 7) (str) Ornate shield
~ All inscribable.
Price check on a few golds.
Bump, Still need price checks and added a few more.
Drake Aran
Turtle Shell Longbow was merch material when I was around (a year ago). I just sold a bunch of unids for 700g each and I see no reasone why things should have changed in the meanwhile. Very common skin.
Mini temple guardian... uhm... around 4k imo. Shield of the lion greatly depends on buyer. Personally, I love that skin but not so many people think like that. Good luck!
Mini temple guardian... uhm... around 4k imo. Shield of the lion greatly depends on buyer. Personally, I love that skin but not so many people think like that. Good luck!
Thanks for the reply Drake, Still need price check on the others.
are they insc and gold ???
mini about 5k
mini about 5k
Yes the Q 8 shield are inscri- and gold. Added a few more
Still need Price checks.