Closed: Outcast Shield



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2008

Rubbing Potassium on water fountains.

LF guild that teaches MTSC (did it long ago before gw2 came out and I quit...but I barely remember)


Looking to buy one of these. Sooo if you feel you can pc one of the tactics reqs for it, in either of the second mods.

r9- r13 tactics (couple price points since req isn't that important cept i need tact)
Outcast Shield
+10 v demons
-2 w/ enchanted or +45 while enchanted

Thanks for any help.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2008

Ign: Miniature Julia

Teh Academy[PhD]


Round shield and sotw is around 50-60 atm, afaik

Firefighter Fred

Firefighter Fred

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2008

Lord of purple


no idea on sharktooth

amber - id say 50k at a maximum, but finding a buyer would be tough

agreed on round shield

SotW - could see it pushing 100k

plagueborn - ~70k imo (wherever did you find that?)



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2008

Rubbing Potassium on water fountains.

LF guild that teaches MTSC (did it long ago before gw2 came out and I quit...but I barely remember)


Sooo I wonder if I should start righting my thoughts down.

Turn it into a book.

Get it published when I'm about to retire and live off the royalties.

Every other page can be left for




Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2009

Wroc??aw, Poland

Midnight Mayhem


Round Shield and SotW - about 65-75k each.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2008

Rubbing Potassium on water fountains.

LF guild that teaches MTSC (did it long ago before gw2 came out and I quit...but I barely remember)


already pc'd items gone

One new item added



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2008

Seafarer's Rest

Eternal Clarity [Ankh]


honestly its not worth selling that outcast staff... and i mean that like u could waste a bunch of time to get 20k out of it at most, or just adept it and hero it. well i have a blood one, maybe death will do better... but not by much



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2008

Rubbing Potassium on water fountains.

LF guild that teaches MTSC (did it long ago before gw2 came out and I quit...but I barely remember)


bump looking for more opinions on everything.
Added an outcast Shield

Especially looking for any guess on the sharktooth. It's a nice skin and I know those max lower req shields can get a little bit o' cash.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2008

Rubbing Potassium on water fountains.

LF guild that teaches MTSC (did it long ago before gw2 came out and I quit...but I barely remember)


bump changed to just an outcast



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2008

Seafarer's Rest

Eternal Clarity [Ankh]


r9- r13 tactics (couple price points since req isn't that important cept i need tact)
Outcast Shield
+10 v demons
-2 w/ enchanted or +45 while enchanted

q13 10 +45ench - 20e+ (possibly way too low)
q9 10 -2/ench - 250e+ (possibly way too high. but i doubt it)
so ranging from 20-250e least to greatest imo. honestly think i lowballed that q13 10 45ench.

my 2 cents

Matrix Arcade

Matrix Arcade

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2008

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

10vs 45/ench r13 should also get like 200e
r9 10vs -2/ench should be around 400-500e
same goes with r9 10vs 45/ench

Hard to tell, only 10vs -2/ench outcast I know is owned by bright. Probably a couple more around but meh, I never took interest in these vs Demons things.