PvX Fuzzies Anonymous [Fuzy]



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2010

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Fuzzies Anonymous [Fuzy] is currently rebuilding! We've been dormant for a while but are ready to come back to life and take over the world! Bwahahaha! *cough, cough* Well, to have fun anyway!

[Fuzy] was formed a few years ago by a group of friends who just wanted to play together and have fun. We're a relatively laid back guild. Conversation is open as long as it's respectful of others. Constructive criticism is always welcomed, belittling is not. Some people here have known each other for quite a while, so there will probably be some wackiness going on at times in guild chat. It's all good fun though.

We have a website (being revamped) and a Facebook page to keep abreast of things that are going on.

We're Kurzick and have no faction requirement. A lot of people like to work on the Zaishen dailies and are working on their titles. Generally we run balanced teams unless something is going on that requires something specific.

We are in the ESP alliance. There are weekly events - PvE, PvP, dungeons, giveaways, etc. The alliance website has everything listed there.

If you want additional information, have questions, or you're interested in being Fuzy, please PM me!