PC please, thanks!!!
Celestial weapons, all full dmg:
Ebon celestial axe of fortitude
req 9 axe
dmg +19 % while health below 50%
+ 29 HP
Shocking celestial axe of fortitude
req 13 axe
dmg +15% while in stance
+30 HP
Celestial shield
req 10 strength
+56 HP While hexed
Celestial shield
req 12 tactics
received physical dmg -5 19%chance
Fiery celestial longbow of fortitude
req 8 markm
dmg +14%, energy -5, +23 HP
Zealous celestial longbow of fortitude
req 10 markm
+30 HP, en +5, en gain 1, regeneration -1
Silencing celestial longbow of fortitude
req 11 markm
dmg +15% while enchanted
lengthens dazed 33%
enchantments last 20% longer
Celestial Scepter
req 9 fire magic
En +5 while enchanted
prolly merchfood?
or maybe salvage something and add to the other?
Thank you!
PC on gold cockatrice and celestials
Longbow Streighnt
yeah slavage everthing and merch
the q8 might be worth few k
the q8 might be worth few k
Longbow Streighnt
Thanks, the cockatrice isn't worth anything either?
The Cockatrice has no inherent mod and is therefore junk.
q10 Cele Longbow +5en would probably get you 5-10k.
Otherwise, agree with Sk00pZ.
q10 Cele Longbow +5en would probably get you 5-10k.
Otherwise, agree with Sk00pZ.