mods please close my others thread if i didnt close it right,thanks.
got these 3 golds in dungeons runs need to know if they are worth something.
Topaz Scepter of Quickening
chaso dmg: 11-22 ( q11 domination magic)
halves skill recharge of spells ( chance 10% )
inscription: Seize the day ( +15/-1 )
Oaken Aegis of Fortitude
armor: 16 ( q9 tatics)
+29 hp
inscrtiption: measure for measure
Aureate blade of warding
slashing dmg: 15-22 ( q9 swordsmenship)
armor +7 ( elemental dmg)
inscription: let the memory live again
Closed: PC Topaz scepter and 2 other golds
I sold the last r11 domination topaz scepter I had, for 25k pretty easily. I may have undersold it but it's at least not merchant food.
25-30k seems right. ALSO HI.
Oaken Aegis are a really nice skin, I wouldn't be surprised to see you getting 40k+ for it.
Aureate I'd merch or 1-2k
Oaken Aegis are a really nice skin, I wouldn't be surprised to see you getting 40k+ for it.
Aureate I'd merch or 1-2k