all merch or might fetch a couple of bucks?
Pls close my other thread.
Outcast Stuff
Miraculix B.
Bright Star Shine
Fire: merch tbh, too high req.. Maybe 10-15k if you find a buyer..
DF: 30-40k
Curses: 20-25k
Comm: 20-25k
Smite: merch
DF: 30-40k
Curses: 20-25k
Comm: 20-25k
Smite: merch
Miraculix B.
@Bright Star Shine: thank you!
One more Pc pls:
Outcast Staff
Q9 Divine Favor
Halves Casting Time 10%
One more Pc pls:
Outcast Staff
Q9 Divine Favor
Halves Casting Time 10%
Bright Star Shine
Edit: I mislooked my last PC, and thought the q10 DF outcast was 20/10, didn't see it was 20/9, so change that to: merch
The q9 DF staff: some 40k ish
The q9 DF staff: some 40k ish
id merch all the req10+ or nonmax outcasts.... might be pretty rare but not rly wanted as long as not rly good modded.
req9 20/10df could get 60-70k+ tho imo
req9 20/10df could get 60-70k+ tho imo
20/10s, easily sell for 5-15k each if you make a thread
req9 df 20/10 30-40k imo, id be happy with any offer above 30k.
req9 df 20/10 30-40k imo, id be happy with any offer above 30k.
Miraculix B.
thx guys,
also pc pls:
Outcast Staff
q9 chann.
Spawning Power 19%
also pc pls:
Outcast Staff
q9 chann.
Spawning Power 19%