I enjoyed reading the post. I have not played for some time, but during it hayday it was fun playing in a group of 8 in an elite HM area (did this before there was HM). Not farming alone, but I did some of that, but getting on Ventrilo with folks to do DOA, UW, etc.
You should have something about what you did not like about the game, and for me getting a group of real people was the least fun as there was a lot of waiting. I perfer a game where I can get in and out in an hour and not necessarily have to play nearly every day. Also one of my pet peaves, but I can see how some folks liked it, is the changing and nerfing of skills. I believe this is a cheap way of trying to make the game a little different.
How did you enjoy this game?
Played with, in my opinion, the best guild one could be in, THPK! For several years we had lots of fun together, went through everything, from getting faction records as Luxons through Jade Arena FFF ( and many r12 ), then go PvE and the guild made several GWAMMs, then Kurzick for some r12 there also. Then we just grinded on, playing casual together, doing some SCs here and there, helping out with others titles and such! 
EDIT: Forgot to mention most of us still have contact on Facebook etc!
EDIT: Forgot to mention most of us still have contact on Facebook etc!