Selling the following Everlasting tonics:
Margonite: c/o 200e (in-game)
b/o 240e
Destroyer: c/o none yet (have 2 of these)
b/o 190e
Flame Sentinel: c/o none yet (have 2 of these)
b/o 180e
Zhed Shadowhoof b/o 20e
Pm me here or in-game on: Kiki Tan
EDIT: Items have been sold in-game. Offers here were inadequate.
Moderators please close this thread
WTS EL Tonics (Margo, Detroyer, Flame Sent, and Zhed)
Kiara Krawn
the virus
15e for Zhed
175 for Destroyer
Ig: The viruss
175 for Destroyer
Ig: The viruss
Kiara Krawn
bump back up to the top
Nemz Powa
110e for Flame Sentinel
IGN: The Un Commoncold
IGN: The Un Commoncold
Yo Da
205 on margo
ign: x fierce warrior xx
ign: x fierce warrior xx
380e on the set of EL Margo & El Destroyer
pm for ign if interested
pm for ign if interested