Have a few items to list here - have had offers on a few of them and have reserves and ideas of what I'd like before parting with them.
I do not mind keeping any of them. Thanks for looking and bidding
R8 Tactics Zodiac Shield
-3 Damage While Hexed
SOLD 350e Eir Of Asgard - ty much, very nice trader
R9 Tactics Gloom Shield
10 vs Undead
-2 Damage While Enchanted
s/b 40e
b/o 60e
R8 Tactics Summit Warlord
10 vs Undead
-5 20%
c/o 40e tooburns
b/o 60e
That is all for now. Everything of course is max, old school, gold.
Thanks again for looking and/or bidding.
R8 Tac Zodiac Shield 30 -3 - 10 vs Undead Shields
Eir Of Asgard
250e on the Zodiac
ING: Eir Of Asgard
ING: Eir Of Asgard
s/b summit warlord
Eir Of Asgard
ok..well.. r/b on the zodiac shield
Ing: eir of asgard
Ing: eir of asgard
ty...... will be selling the zodiac soon if no other offers
zodiac sold.... will sell the warlord if no other offers..... thanks for bids, appreciate the purchase Eir