sundering zodiac daggers of fortitude (non inscribe)
7-17 (req 9)
damage +15%
energy -5
health +30
Ap 20% chance
zealous celestial daggers of fortitude (non inscribe)
7-17 (req 9)
damage +15% (15^50)
energy gain 1/1
health +30
sundering dragon kamas of enchanting (non inscribed)
7-17 (req 8)
damage +15% (while enchanted)
ap 20%
enchantments last 20% longer
sundering chromium shards of enchanting (non inscribe)
7-17 (req 8)
damage +15% (in stance)
Ap 20% (19% chance)
enchantment last 20% longer
sundering jade daggers of defense (non inscribe)
7-17 (req 9)
damage +15%
energy -5
armour +5
ap 20% (20% chance)
icy plagueborn daggers (non inscribe)
cold damage 7-17 (req 8)
damage +15%
armour -10
sundering sai (non inscribe)
7-17 (req 9)
damage +15% (stance)
Ap 20% (20% chance)
zealous gilded dagger of enchanting (non inscribe)
7-17 (req 9)
damage +15% (enchanted)
zealous 1/1
enchanting 20% (20% chance)
barbed bronze daggers of shelter
7-17 (req 9)
bleeding 33%
armour +7 (phys)
inscribe strength and honour
sundering ruby daggers of fortitude
7-17 (req 9)
inscribe strength and honour
hp +30
ap 20% (20% chance)
zealous talon daggers of fortitude
7-17 (req 9)
inscribe strength and honour
zealous 1/1
hp +30
ebon ceremonial daggers of fortitude
7-17 (req 9)
health +29
inscribe strength and honor
vampiric crescent blades of fortitude
7-17 (req 9)
inscribe strength and honor
health +25
vampiric 3/-1
price check on some daggers please
sundering zodiac daggers of fortitude (non inscribe)
7-17 (req 9) damage +15% energy -5 health +30 Ap 20% chance |
zealous celestial daggers of fortitude (non inscribe) 7-17 (req 9) damage +15% (15^50) energy gain 1/1 health +30 |
sundering dragon kamas of enchanting (non inscribed) 7-17 (req 8) damage +15% (while enchanted) ap 20% enchantments last 20% longer |
50-60k but the inherent might make it hard
sundering chromium shards of enchanting (non inscribe) 7-17 (req 8) damage +15% (in stance) Ap 20% (19% chance) enchantment last 20% longer |
same price range I spose
sundering jade daggers of defense (non inscribe) 7-17 (req 9) damage +15% energy -5 armour +5 ap 20% (20% chance) |
icy plagueborn daggers (non inscribe) cold damage 7-17 (req 8) damage +15% armour -10 |
sundering sai (non inscribe) 7-17 (req 9) damage +15% (stance) Ap 20% (20% chance) zealous gilded dagger of enchanting (non inscribe) 7-17 (req 9) damage +15% (enchanted) zealous 1/1 enchanting 20% (20% chance) barbed bronze daggers of shelter 7-17 (req 9) bleeding 33% armour +7 (phys) inscribe strength and honour 15^50 |
sundering ruby daggers of fortitude 7-17 (req 9) inscribe strength and honour 15^50 hp +30 ap 20% (20% chance) |
zealous talon daggers of fortitude 7-17 (req 9) inscribe strength and honour 15^50 zealous 1/1 hp +30 ebon ceremonial daggers of fortitude 7-17 (req 9) health +29 inscribe strength and honor 15^50 vampiric crescent blades of fortitude 7-17 (req 9) inscribe strength and honor 15^50 health +25 vampiric 3/-1 |
As always get more opinions cause I'm probably wrong about something
(like the inherents on the r8s made it hard cause like they're totally useable but everyone wants 15^50 or +5)
Pretty much agree with End. Ceremonials might get 8-10k though.
Don't forget to salvage all of the good mods before merching - zealous, sundering, 20% enchant, and +30 are good for 2-3k/ea.
Don't forget to salvage all of the good mods before merching - zealous, sundering, 20% enchant, and +30 are good for 2-3k/ea.
agreed with above salvage b4 merching
thanks for all the reply guys =)