HoM services NEEDED!

Voradin Bloodmourne

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2011


Alright guys. I basically need full hard modes of Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall!

Full Vanquishes for those campaign areas as well.

A few other services are needed, but lets start with the HM's and Vanquishes. I will update this list as time goes on with what else I need.

I am willing to discuss prices. PM for negotiations of several payment options.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2008


Hey! I can do most of the factions and nightfall missions for you. Some of prophecies as well. IGN: Jacolink Factions. Could you please tell me your ign as well?

Balthazar Blessed

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006


I'm willing to do some. PM me here on guru.