Why so many ppl selling HoD sword
Why so many ppl selling HoD sword?
To make money?
Malice Black
because the price of the HoD sword is rising so ppl either dig them out of storage and sell or they buy and try to resell for more money
I sold a few because I want to have alot of gold for chapter 2, and also I am not sure what items will come out in chapter 2 that could make HOD useless.
I think there was a rumour going around that they were going to be reintroduced, this of course has no basis just like most rumours on guildwars, but i think it spooked a few people in to selling now.
Daemon Dremora
sry if this sounds like a noob question. (i'm not a noob just never heard of it before) what is an HoD sword???
HoD = Henge of Denravi Sword
req 9, 14-21 damage and inherent +5 energy modifier.
Used to be for sale at the Henge crafter for 5k; the Sorrows Furnace update removed it though.
req 9, 14-21 damage and inherent +5 energy modifier.
Used to be for sale at the Henge crafter for 5k; the Sorrows Furnace update removed it though.
How much are they worth now?
Daemon Dremora
y do they go for so much if they are not even max dmg.
Because they have +5 energy, in addition to being able to have a +20% enchant pommel.
...making them almost perfect for solo and 2 man monk based farming builds, running and PvP/GvG.
[email protected]
100k + 40 ecto is the standard going price at the moment, that's 460,000 gold.