Closed: PC on some Rt staves



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jan 2010

wtb vs Dragons shields!

Vengeance Of The Night


I would like a PC on the following:

Dragon Staff q9 Channeling 20/20
Dragon Staff q9 Channeling 20/10

Forbidden Staff q9 Channeling 20/20
Forbidden Staff q9 Channeling 20/10

Bone Dragon Staff q9 Spawning Power
Bone Dragon Staff q9 Channeling




hamonite anur ruk

Join Date: Jan 2006

Echovald Forest

[PhD] Teh Academy


If the first is 20% channeling on the req of channeling, then 250-400e. You will get low-balled a lot on this, so be warned.

My own estimate might even be low, but the market is not ideal. Still, 250e minimally.

20/10 channeling, 35-50e

Not so sure about the forbidden. Best leave that to people who like the skin, but I think about 200e.

20/10, a fraction of what 20/10 dragon would be worth I think, but probably still 20-25e.

Bone dragon in spawning, as referenced in the handy price guide in this section..(Now with more pictures) around 70e on the lowside, but can be pushed higher with persistance.

Channeling is at least double that.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Houston, TX

The Academy [PhD]


1st one is a 500e item. don't let yourself get lowballed, but shadow is right, the market is not ideal and you will. hold out for the right price.

the forbidden is more like 150e, its a really wierd looking stick but its rare.

Agree about the 20/10's and BDS

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2008

"???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]" | Retired in "Teh Academy [PhD]"


dragon 20/20 ~400-500e
dragon 20/10 ~100k buying, 30-40e selling

forbidden 20/20 ~50-75e imo.... they arent that rare. u can easily chestrun to get them.
forbidden 20/10 ~50k


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006

WTB 20/20 Dragon Staves|prenerf Dragon Staves

20/20 dragon channeling is definitely rit most wanted one
and among the top 5 in demand as well
i wouldn't consider selling a req.9 for less than 800e-1k e if i had one
(but sadly that luxon sin dropped me a r9 20/19 one...sad day)

r9 20/10 chan dragon 40-50e